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Results for "poland"

Warsaw, Poland – Shining

“The world is sustained only by the breath of school children” – Talmud (Shabbat 119b) After the end of Communism in Poland in 1989 many Jews wanted to return to their tradition, to live a Jewish life and to reconnect with their past. Indeed, Jewish life returned to the Polish Jews mainly through the significant

e-Learning Schools in Poland, Germany, Hungary, Greece & the Czech Republic

For nearly twenty years The Ronald. S. Lauder Foundation has been providing Jewish education for children at the Lauder-Morasha School in Warsaw.

Covid Mask Contest: Lauder e-Learning Schools Turn Uncertainty into Fun

Mask Contest: e-Learning Schools Turn Uncertainty into Fun

Lauder-Morasha School Lights Up Warsaw’s Grzybowski Square on Hanukah

Poland’s Jewish community was treated to inspiring Hanukah activities with the Lauder-Morasha students. Each day of Hanukah held a new surprise for the Jewish community of Poland. The students of the Lauder-Morasha School hosted a Hanukah get-together with the Jewish community in Grzybowski Square. On another day, an inspirational candle lighting ceremony was held at

Lauder Morasha School Celebrates Hanukah With Warsaw’s Jewish Community

Students of the Lauder Morasha School are bringing the joy of Hanukah to hundreds of Jewish Polish Seniors, by hand-crafting holiday cards for them. Hanukah festivities at the Lauder school include a community-wide  art competition in which children and families created hundreds of  hand-made Hanukah cards, each a unique work of art, and distributed  them to

Thank you, Rabbi Mati Pawlak & Hadassah Buchwald-Pawlak!

The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation extends its gratitude to Rabbi Mati Pawlak and Hadassah Buchwald-Pawlak, for 11 years of service as principals of the Lauder Morasha School and Kindergarten in Warsaw, Poland and the Lauder e-Learning School of Poland. We wish the Pawlaks success in the U.S., in their new roles as leaders of Orthodox

‘Jeducation World’ Recognizes the Lauder Foundation’s e-Learning Accomplishments Worlwide

Jeducation World, an international educational initiative for Jewish organizations and communities, recently featured the Ronald S. Lauder e-Learning Program, in recognition of its accomplishments in Jewish education. The Lauder e-Learning program provides online education to Jewish students throughout Europe, including Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland. Learn more about the Lauder e-Learning program, and read the full

Support the Foundation 2

Make A USA Tax-Deductible Donation to the Javne Fund 501(c)(3) Today! support-foundationtransparent0#385996 ‌Donate Now "*" indicates required fields Enter Your Email* Your Name*Donation Amount ($)* Foundation Cause*General DonationKindergartensSchoolsYouth Centers & CampsInstitutions of Higher EducationLauder e-Learning SchoolsOther (please specify)Select A Specific Kindergarten (optional)-Select-Lauder Chabad Kindergarten, Vienna, AustriaLauder Gan Yehuda Kindergarten, Prague, Czech RepublicLauder Nitzan Kindergarten, Berlin,

Budapest: Wrapping Up A Fantastic School Year

The Lauder Javne Jewish Community School concluded an energetic school year with performances, awards and success. Ceremonies and special events crowned May and June, including performances by the Javne Theatre,  KarMUN, Lauder Eye Magazine and the Middle School’s Tower of Babel participants. In addition, the Lauder Javne Community School took First Place prizes in national academic competitions, sports events, Applied

Lauder e-Learning School Helps Students Connect with Jewish Identity & Family

The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation helps students develop strong, rooted Jewish identities. Mr. Adam Sawicki, the father of Karolina Sawicka — an alumnus of the Lauder e-Learning School of Poland — recently documented this incredible story of how his daughter’s participation in the Lauder e-Learning School led her to study in Israel, discover her lost family, her grandfather’s grave at the