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Results for "poland"

A Message from President Ronald S. Lauder

The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation proudly supports over fifty programs spread throughout a network of thirteen countries, including Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia and the Ukraine.

Youth Centers & Camps

Some kids don’t live in places with Jewish schools. In fact, thousands of Jewish children live in such cities and towns all over Central and Eastern Europe — in Lodz, Rostock, Novi Sad, Oradea, Brno, Kaliningrad, Sarajevo and more. For these children, summer and winter camps are often their one chance to spend time with

Kindergartens Across Europe

A kindergarten means children—happy, noisy, busy children. It means that somewhere nearby, young people are forming relationships, creating Jewish homes, and having babies. For Jewish communities, the existence of a kindergarten is proof that there is a future. We support thirteen kindergartens in nine countries, with a total enrollment of more than 700 children. This

Lauder Schools Enrolling

It may seem miraculous. Jewish children are now enrolling in bustling Jewish schools throughout Europe. Find Your School!

Support the Foundation

  Click Here to Donate to the Ukraine Emergency Relief Fund, By the Javne Fund 501(c)3!   Make A USA Tax-Deductible Donation to the Javne Fund 501(c)(3) Today! Donate Using ACH (USA) Donate Using Credit card Donate Now – Using Secure ACHDonate Using ACH / Direct Debit✕ Donation Amount (100% USA Tax Deductible) $ Your

Our President

Internationally-prominent businessman, philanthropist, community and civic leader, Ronald S. Lauder maintains a deep commitment to his Judaic heritage within a mosaic of charitable and professional endeavors that reach around the world. Mr. Lauder was appointed United States Ambassador to Austria by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. He brought to this position an extensive knowledge of

Our Story

We never call them remnants. Because remnants do not go to Jewish day schools. We never call them dying Jewish communities. Because dying Jewish communities do not have new, expanding Kindergartens, Elementary Schools, High Schools and Institutions of Higher Education. And we never call them the last Jews of Central and Eastern Europe. Because all

March of the Living

Romania’s Lauder-Reut Educational group attended the international March of the Living. On 7-9 April 2013, Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Romania, in collaboration with the City District 3, Federation of  Hebrew Communities of Romania, Bucharest School Inspectorate and the National Institute for Studying the  Holocaust Elie Wiesel, organized for students from five high schools in Bucharest and Lauder-Reut