Budapest, Hungary: Lauder Javne Jewish Community School Ranks 1st

In the recently announced 2015 HVG ranking of alternative High Schools across Hungary, the Lauder Javne School scores Top place.
The ranking reflects the Lauder Javne school’s high scores in national Mathematics, Reading, Compulsory Subjects, as well as leading placement rates in colleges and universities. Read more about the school’s recent events and achievements, including Open House Day and Gymnastic Championships.
Having the opportunity to travel together did not only make our class stronger as a community, but let us get to experience Jewish life, the different cities, agriculture and the diversity of the Land of Israel. – Isabella Balaton, Lauder Javne Student
Catch pictures of the Lauder Javne school’s annual trip to Israel, held in October 2014. The trip reflects the school’s commitment to connecting Hungarian students to the land and people of Israel. The trip included Jerusalem’s Western Wall, desert hikes, camel tours, tanks, farms and cities– in short, spirit, body and mind.
Other events include the featuring of works of Lauder students and staff in Hungary’s Museum of Ethnography exhibit on Hungarian Jewry, with a focus on the pre-Holocaust era and contemporary manifestations of Hungarian Jewish culture.
Lastly, the Lauder Javne school held its 25th annual Laokoon Survival Challenge, which involves 171 athletes trekking through forests and a series of scavenger hunts, in the still of the night, and converging at the school.