Celebrating the Holiday of Lights
This week, children across the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation celebrated Chanukah, the Jewish Holiday of Lights. For 8 days, Jewish families worldwide lit candles, to remember the miracle of oil, which gave light to the Maccabees for 8 days.
To celebrate the occasion, we gathered a variety of Chanukah art creations, made by the children in schools and kindergartens supported by the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation.
First, here are some works of the children from the Ronald S. Lauder School, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
These wonderful art creations are of the Lauder Gur Aryeh / Ohr Chadash Jewish Community Schools, in Prague, Czech Republic.
The following art creations are from the Lauder Beth Zion School in Berlin, Germany.
Here you find the wonderful Chanukah creations made by the children of the Lauder Athens Jewish Community School.
The young children from the Lauder Nitzan Kindergarten in Berlin, Germany created these varieties of artwork creations.
The children and staff at the Lauder Jewish Education Hub in Tallinn, Estonia prepared a special decoration for Chanukah celebration.
Here we share this beautiful art creation, made in the spirit of the Jewish holiday, by the children of the Lauder Acheinu Education Center in Lviv, Ukraine.
These beautiful photos come from a Chanukah workshop by the Lauder Javne Jewish Community School in Budapest, Hungary.
Finally, we share the Chanukah art creation of children of the Lauder Gan Menachem Kindergarten and after school program.