Budapest’s Lauder Javne School achieves in math, music, Israel and Jewish education. Read more about the school’s exciting Autumn 2017 activities.
To successfully serve its expanding community, the school recently held an annual charity dinner, raising funds for the construction of a multi-functional community hall. In addition, the Hungarian school expanded its Kosher cafeteria, to accommodate the over 800-strong student body.
Tenth grade students took a rousing trip to Israel, visited their Israeli sister school, toured and participated in preparations for the State’s upcoming 70th anniversary.
Valuing Jewish leadership and community, the Lauder Javne Jewish Community School in Budapest’s alumnus, Bendeguz Moldovan, was recently elected vice president of the European Union of Jewish Students in Greece.
Lastly, in commemoration of the Hungarian Jewish community’s history in WW II, the Lauder Javne students held a special “Flowers Against Violence” flash-mob event in front of the Dohany Synagogue, which entailed planting flowers in memory of the 1.5 million children killed in the Holocaust.
Read more about the Lauder Javne school’s creative and educational events in the recent Autumn 2017 newsletter.