Krakow, Poland: e-Learning Program Connects Jewish Students in Poland & Beyond
Sep 17
The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation
Poland’s Ronald S. Lauder e-Learning School took its mission of building Jewish Life in Poland — one step further, at its annual Shabbaton, thanks to an energetic group of visiting Yeshiva University MTA High School students from New York.
Students, teacher and parents of Poland’s Ronal S. Lauder e-Learning School gathered together in June 2016, to celebrate the success of yet another school year. On Friday, families and teachers from across Poland came to Kazimierz, a former historic Jewish district of Krakow, to light Shabbat candles and celebrate Shabbat together. The group prayed together at the Izaak Synagoge, along with other Jews from all over the world, including Poland, Israel and New York.
After a delicious meal at Krakow’s JCC, the group held a spirited Oneg Shabbat, thanks to the power of a group of students from Yeshiva University’s MTA High School. The students came to Poland as part of a remarkable educational program called, “Names, No Numbers,” run by Tova and Dov Rosenberg and accompanied by Rabbi Michael Taubes, Rosh Yeshiva of MTA. The students of Y.U. enriched the Shabbaton with Jewish singing, dancing and words of Torah.
After Shabbat, the e-Learning program held a beautiful ceremony, awarding its Polish pupils with diplomas and gifts, in recognition of their dedication to the study of Judaism, Hebrew language and other studies at the online school.
The Lauder e-Learning Program gave special recognition to its student, Natalia, who won this year’s Polish Chidon HaTanach competition, and represented Poland in the international competition held in Israel. In Israel, Natalia was among the 16 bright finalists from the entire Diaspora. Natalia had studied for two years at Poland’s Lauder e-Learning School, and her accomplishments are nothing short of astonishing.
Next in the evening, the entire Shabbaton group met again with the Y.U. delegation for a joint Melaveh Malkah, at a local Bowling center. During the event, the students mingled and learned about Poland’s present-day Jewish communities, hopes, dreams, and everyday lives and challenges.
Furthermore, the Y.U. group learned about the wide-spanning efforts of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation in rebuilding Jewish life in Poland, through programs such as, the Lauder-Morasha Schools, Summer Educational Camps for families and the Lauder e-Learning School.
At the end the Shabbaton, the Polish participants wished the boys success, and encouraged them to pursue futures in communal service to Jews worlwide.
Sure enough, not long thereafter, four of the MTA students contacted Poland’s Lauder e-Learning School directors, and volunteered to return to Poland that summer — as volunteers for the Lauder Educational Camp.
The contribution of these boys throughout the summer was immense. The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation would like to thank these fine young men: Jason, Eli, Shimmy and C.J.
Moreover, the Foundation expresses gratitude to the incredible directors of “Names, No Numbers” program, Tova and Dov Rosenberg, for accepting the invitation to join the the Shabbaton and helping to bring the students to the camp. One success led to another. Furthermore, special thanks to Rabbi Mati and Hadassah Pawlak of Poland’s Lauder e-Learning School and Lauder Educational Camp, for their tremendous efforts in building Jewish life worldwide, and for creating involvement opportunities for the Y.U. students.
See photos from all of these amazing events, thanks to photographer Marysia Bil.