Lauder e-Learning School in Germany Hosts Weekend Shabbaton

About forty parents and children from all over Germany participated in the fun-filled event which spanned three days, beginning the end of January.
The program provided a great opportunity for parents and students to meet — in person — the e-Learning school teachers who until that point, communicated entirely with them online. The weekend roster included joint Shabbat meals, lectures on important topics, games and other much appreciated activities.
After enjoying a traditional Friday night Sabbath meal together, guests walked over to the nearby home of the Chasid family, who serve as Coordinator and teachers in the Lauder e-Learning School. The Chasids prepared an elaborately set and song-filled Oneg Shabbat.
Saturday morning, the entire group prayed together with the local Jewish community and joined for Kidush, followed by Shabbat lunch meals, with each guest walking to the private home of a warm Berlin family.
On Shabbat afternoon, the Lauder e-Learning school ladies and children attended the Third Meal at the home of the Konnik family, a charismatic teacher in the Lauder e-Learning School.
After Sabbath, the whole group went to the Bowling Club at Alexanderplatz. After breakfast the next morning, the guests and e-Learning staff traveled together to Berlin’s largest indoor amusement park, where everybody had a blast. Lastly, the group enjoyed Sunday lunch together and wrapped up the weekend.
The students reconnected one week later — online in their classrooms — as they began their second semester at the Lauder e-Learning School. By popular demand, the next Shabbaton is already in the planning.