Lauder Foundation Hosts Jewish Summer Camp in Wisla, Poland

The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation once again welcomed campers and their families to a unique and exciting Jewish summer camp in Poland. With a devoted staff, guest speakers and volunteers from Israel, the program provides a fun, scenic context for conducting Jewish heritage studies and experiences.
This year’s program, held in Summer 2018, included guests from the Amiel-Bekehila program, visiting yeshiva students from Israel, guest Rabbis, and students of the Lauder e-Learning School in Poland — who assisted as counselors for younger campers. Jewish children and families learned about Jewish heritage and connected with other families, many of whom live at distances throughout Poland, during the rest of the year.
Dorothy and Baruch Ciesielski, who also serve as the directors of the Lauder e-Learning school in Poland, lead the summer camp with the same excitement, heart and creativity used in the e-Learning program. Intended for children and adults to gain from the experience, the camp includes stimulating lectures, workshops, evening programs, arts, crafts, music, Jewish studies, singing, dancing and sports. Participants study Jewish texts, in small and large groups, and discuss important topics from Tanach.
Here are a few quotes about the camp, posted on the Lauder Poland Camp’s Facebook page (translated from Polish):
From the depth of my heart, I thank you for the fantastic atmosphere at the Wisła Camp, for great organization and for all I could experience there. The lectures were interesting and wise; workshops were rewarding and one could see the amount of work put into such an uneasy project. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
It was really worthwhile to be at the camp in Wisła, there are wonderful people there. People, who come there, are very open to others. There is a good integration. It’s a unique place. I can always learn something new when I’m there.
Each year, after we come back, we count days to the next camp!
Such great moments, this will stay in my memory for a long time!
Fantastic rabbis, fantastic lecturers, happy are those who could be there!
There is nothing like being together with our Jewish family.