Lauder Hungary e-Learning School Celebrates Tu B’Shvat
Mar 04
The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation
Students, families and staff from Hungary’s Lauder e-Learning School spent the day together, celebrating Tu B’Shevat, in the halls of the Lauder Javne Jewish Community School.
The event took place on the eve of the Jewish New Year for Trees. The morning started with playing in groups, while Szojna Komoróczy gave a lecture to adults about the meaning of the agricultural holiday. Roni and Shahart, two volunteers representatives from Israel, who are also involved in the Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, helped the make the event a special success, by teaching Israeli dance to all the students and parents.
Next, participants decorated Tu B’Shevat plates and created fruit mandalas, with thirteen different fruits. A Tu B’Shevat Seder was held after lunch and a trivia Quiz game. Lastly, the program concluded at a mini golf club, where the participants had fun and looked forward to future Jewish and Hebrew studies together.