Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, Kindergarten and Music School, in Budapest

The Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, Kindergarten and Music School is based in Budapest, Hungary, home to Central Europe’s largest Jewish Community, and offers Jewish education and challenging academic programs to close to 600 children every year.
The school was founded by a group of Jewish intellectuals and parents in 1990, and financed by The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation.
In 1996, The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation expanded the school, and built a new Lauder Javne facility on a five-acre site in Buda Hills, on land provided by the Budapest municipality, rent-free, for a period of 99 years.
The expanded school complex contains classrooms, a synagogue, a sports center, a 12.000-book library, a computer center and rooms for the Music and Art School. In 1997, the Foundation acquired a beautiful historic building adjacent to The Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, and uses it to house The Lauder Javne Jewish Community Kindergarten. This addition completes the educational complex.
Lifelong Relationships
Graduates of the past 20 years have matured and grown into capable and responsible young adults, able to succeed in college, universities and many different fields, such as science, engineering and art.
Alumni stay connected with Jewish tradition, and often celebrate Jewish holidays together, even many years after completing their studies at the Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, Kindergarten and Music School.
Relationships between the alumni and the school continue, as alumni enroll their own children in the Lauder Javne Jewish Community School’s Kindergarten and First Grade.
Mission Statement
The Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, Kindergarten and Music School cares a great deal about its students, and views school as the beginning of a critical path to a successful life. The school ‘s mission is to:
- Provide a school in which learning is an enjoyable process that comes naturally to all children,
- Provide a learning environment that is emotionally and physically safe for all,
- Imbue students with a high regard for personal effort, honesty, responsibility and achievement,
- Facilitate the learning process by nurturing the skills necessary for students to engage in independent learning,
- Give attention to the development of the diversity of personalities found among students,
- Teach students to constructively and critically relate to the world around them, analyzing and reflecting about what they read, hear and see, and engaging in active problem-solving,
- Encourage students to establish an open mind towards their local and global environment.
Special Programs
The Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, Kindergarten and Music School also provides specialized programs that include: Music, Child-centered personalized learning, Special program for gifted and talented students, English Plus – program for bilingual children, a special program for developing logic and reasoning skills, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish languages, special degrees in Information Technology, Multimedia Studies, Film-Making and editing, Sound Recording, Digital Technologies, Projects in different fields such as Sports, Art Student Club, various afternoon activities, community events, excursions, and summer camps.
Invitation to All
The Lauder Javne Jewish Community School, Kindergarten and Music School welcomes all who want to develop the academic, social, and artistic skills needed to pursue one’s studies and live a happy and successful Jewish life, wherever one chooses.
Our Address is : H-1121 Budapest, Budakeszi út 48. Telephone: 36-1-275 2240. Fax: 36-1-275 2610. To learn more, please E-mail: Or vist us on the Web: