Lauder Javne Jewish Community School of Hungary Scores First Place in the E.U.’s English Competition
Oliver’s translation from Hungarian to English was deemed by the panel of judges to be the best in Hungary. Oliver had spent most of his life abroad until age thirteen, attending English school in the south of Spain. He has been translating since 2009, helping his father’s company with letters and presentations. He imagines his future in the world of advertising.
2013 was marked the European Year of the Citizens, and the texts for translations were also about EU citizenship and its advantages.
The students’ translations were evaluated by the translators and proof-readers of the European Commission, and a winner was picked from each country. The winners – one student from each country – were invited to the awards ceremony to be held in Brussels on 8 April 2014.
Congratulations to Oliver and his prep teacher Ágnes Kazinczyné Kovács!
The winning European translations can be read here. See the feature picture above, from left to right:
- Gábor Horányi, Principal of the Lauder Javne Jewish Community School
- Ágnes Kazinczyné Kovács, English Teacher
- Olivér Székely, Student Winner
- Gábor Babos, European Commission