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Lauder School’s 2023 European Purim Art Contest

Ninety-five students, from 7 countries and 8 Lauder Schools, took part in the 2023 International Purim Art Contest.

This year, Purim story was chosen as the theme for the contest. Miriam Barkai, the Director of Education at the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, and the initiator of the theme, explains: “Purim presents a wonderful opportunity for students to express their feelings and experience related to the Jewish tradition. The process of creating the art works gives children an opportunity to use their imagination in color, form and material.”

Students were challenged to create their own mask or a costume related to Purim. “In most of the art work we received, the Jewish content is embedded in a way that expresses each child’s unique personality,” Barkai emphasized. “This is the third year of the Lauder school’s successful contest, now making it a tradition. We aim to establish artistic expression as an integral part of Jewish studies in our schools,” she concluded.

As in previous years, we had the honor of having a special judge for the final contest – Mrs. Jo Carole Lauder. This year, there co-winners tied for the First place prize. The works showcase the dual sides of the Purim story – the positive and the dark one.

The winning Purim Art Creations were represented by Laura Talvi from Sofia, Bulgaria and Eli Orlowski from Berlin, Germany:

Simla Simha, By Laudra Talvi



The Dark Side of Purim, by Eli Orlowski


Other finalists of the Purim Art Contest and their creations are shown below:

Purim Puzzle Samech, By Benjamin Bondi


Purim Vending Machine, By Benjamin Gelencser

When the Arsonist Strikes, By Galani (Anie) Stravropoulou

Shushan Battle, By Noa Wyrobnik

There Are Many Things Hidden In the Moss, By Johana Kosakova


Luigi Corona, By Levi Kaikov

We also would like to share other student’s artwork creations, that did not get to the finalists but are worthy of showcasing:


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