March of the Living

On 7-9 April 2013, Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Romania, in collaboration with the City District 3, Federation of Hebrew Communities of Romania, Bucharest School Inspectorate and the National Institute for Studying the Holocaust Elie Wiesel, organized for students from five high schools in Bucharest and Lauder-Reut High School, the second edition of the March of the Living International.
March of the Living International is an educational program of the same name belonging to the international organization, for young adults worldwide.
Program goals are so universal – facing indifference, racism, injustice and individuals – combating anti-Semitism, strengthen Jewish identity and connection with the State of Israel.
The program is held annually in Poland, on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Romanian delegation consists of 31 students and teachers of history at schools Lauder-Reut, Michael the Brave, Matei Basarab, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Decebal and Benjamin Franklin. The students were accompanied by President Ronald S. Lauder of the Romania and Complex Educational Complex, Lauder-Reut, with personalities of the Romanian Government and the Federation of Hebrew Communities of Romania, and a team of journalists from Pro TV, Reality TV, TV B1 Day and Jewish Reality.
Discover more about Romania’s Lauder-Reut Educational Programs.