Prague: e-Learning School Celebrates Terrific Inaugural Year

Marking the conclusion of an exciting inaugural year, the Ronald S. Lauder e-Learning School in Prague held a warm, end-of-year celebration with e-Learning students and families.
On Sunday, June 22, 2014, approximately 45 people came from all over Czech Republic to hear words of praise and commendation for the Lauder e-Learning students, spoken by the principal of the Ronald S. Lauder School in Czech Republic, Mrs. Dejmalová, as well as the coordinator of the e-Learning program, Ms. Veronika Dubová.
Having spent a year interacting with their charismatic e-Learning teachers, students each received a personalized, written report on the student’s positive role in the e-Learning school.
At the end of the formal ceremony, Mr. Leo Pavlát, representative of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, addressed students. Thereafter, students, parents and teachers enjoyed lunch together, discussed student accomplishments over the past year, and continued on a group trip to the Prague zoo.