The Siddur Challenge – Mastered by Germany e-Learning Students
Jul 06
The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation
As a means of concluding the school year in a fun and memorable way, the Lauder e-Learning School of Germany challenged its students to master the Jewish Prayer Book, know as the Siddur!
In congruence with the school’s theme of the year, “Siddur and Prayer,” students split across three groups and answered a quiz with questions centered around the Siddur topic.
Students responded enthusiastically to the challenge, as teachers had put in much effort to review the materials that they taught this past year — preparing the students for the quiz.
The Lauder e-Learning School of Germany proudly congratulates its winners:
1st Place:
Elia Mann, Leipzig
Mascha Kanewski, Luebeck
Lia Röttger, Cologne
2nd Runner Up:
Yael Yao, Neudenau
Milena Dubnov, Fuerth
David Tutaev, Duesseldorf
3rd Runner Up:
Alissa Dubnov, Fuerth
Chedwa Bamberger, Frankfurt am Main
Jana Dorman, Weiden
As we go into the summer holidays, we look forward to starting the new school year with renewed strength and e-learning.