Warsaw, Poland – Shining

“The world is sustained only by the breath of school children” – Talmud (Shabbat 119b)
After the end of Communism in Poland in 1989 many Jews wanted to return to their tradition, to live a Jewish life and to reconnect with their past. Indeed, Jewish life returned to the Polish Jews mainly through the significant support and educational programs of The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation. The history of The Lauder-Morasha Schools in Warsaw dates back in 1989 when seven families decided to provide their children with Jewish education. Those families wanted their children to learn the Torah, to celebrate Shabat and other Jewish holidays.
Their decision to raise their children as proud Jews was a brave one. Slowly, more and more families decided to join the group, both those who always knew about their Jewish past as well as those families who discovered their Jewish past only recently.
The new building where the schools and the kindergarten have been located since 1999 holds professional, excellent and colorful facilities, special labs, a gym, medical help, a speech therapist, a psychologist, synagogue with Sefer Torah, a kosher dining room and a kitchen, a playground, a library, a Jewish resource room, internet access and smart boards at the Middle School.
Many of our graduates continue their education in finest schools in Poland, Israel, the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada and Germany.
The school’s mission is to:
- Provide excellent Jewish education
- Ignite the spark of Yiddishkite in our pupils and their families
- Cultivate positive Jewish identities
- Explore and celebrate values of the Jewish tradition
- Experience Jewish life at the Schools and live it at home
- Teach Torah, its values, wisdom and its modern relevance
- Teach about Jewish heritage and the moral compass of the Jewish tradition
- Incorporate Jewish values into everyday lives
- Instill the love of Israel and its people