Lauder School in Budapest Teaches Innovation, Creativity, Jewish History & Values
Nov 14
The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation
Hungary’s Lauder Javne Community School opened 2017 with a range of activities, inter-disciplinary workshops and trips.
Check out the latest edition of the school’s English newsletter to read about the year’s opening activities for children in Kindergarten through Twelfth grade.
Highlights include ComEdu– a practice oriented, inter-disciplinary program helping 11th and 12th grade students to better apply their creativity, passion and entrepreneurship; and StartUp Monday presentations by venture capital investors.
Other dynamic activities include interactive courses to develop student self-confidence, communication skills, critical and pro-active thinking; workshops on Jewish life and anti-Semitism, Roma civil and human rights and Hungarian minorities; best teacher awards; English poetry, theater, and a Naples visit to a WW II memorial and the Campagna concentration camp memorial museum.