“Our philanthropy underwrites the future of Jewish life in Europe through supporting excellent Jewish schools. And what is an excellent Jewish school? One that prepares young Jews for personal and professional success, and that inspires active participation in Jewish life.” – Ronald S. Lauder, President
Poland: Lauder e-Learning Hosts Warm, Student Family Shabbaton
Lauder e-Learning School of Poland invited students and families to a warm Shabbaton weekend in Wrocław, Poland. The e-Learning program’s directors,
Thank you, Rabbi Mati Pawlak & Hadassah Buchwald-Pawlak!
The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation extends its gratitude to Rabbi Mati Pawlak and Hadassah Buchwald-Pawlak, for 11 years of service
‘Jeducation World’ Recognizes the Lauder Foundation’s e-Learning Accomplishments Worlwide
Jeducation World, an international educational initiative for Jewish organizations and communities, recently featured the Ronald S. Lauder e-Learning Program, in recognition
Krakow, Poland: e-Learning School Holds Inspiring Shabbaton
On the weekend of March 13th 2015, nearly 75 participants of the Ronald S. Lauder e-Learning School of Poland convened for a special Shabbaton.