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“Our philanthropy underwrites the future of Jewish life in Europe through supporting excellent Jewish schools. And what is an excellent Jewish school? One that prepares young Jews for personal and professional success, and that inspires active participation in Jewish life.” – Ronald S. Lauder, President



#OpenYourDoor This Pesach! By the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation

Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Schools Welcome Children from Ukraine


Warsaw, Poland: Lauder Morasha School Celebrates Purim with Fun & Festivity

Students and families at the Lauder Morasha School in Warsaw, Poland celebrated Purim with joy and festival events. Learn more about the Lauder Morasha School in Warsaw, Poland! As done each year, students prepared in advance and participated in classes on Jewish culture, calendar, art and artistic workshops. Next, students performed a Purim production for


A Jewish Vision & Future in Poland: Lauder Morasha Celebrates 25 Years of Jewish Education in Poland

On November 2nd and 3rd of 2014, the Lauder Morasha School celebrated 25 years of Jewish education in Poland, an actualization of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation vision. Marking the special occasion, Mr. Ronald S. Lauder and his wife, Jo Carole, came to Warsaw, along with Rabbi Josh Spinner — CEO of the Ronald S. Lauder


VIDEO! Pesach at Moscow’s Lauder Etz Chaim Jewish School

Watch the Lauder Etz Chaim School in Moscow get ready for the Pesach holiday, including Matzoh Baking, Readying Pesach Cooking Utensils, Candle lighting, Model Seder, Teacher Blessing Students, Colorful Hagada Books and more.


VIDEO! Happy Birthday Mr. Ronald S. Lauder! From All the Children of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation

The children of the kindergartens and schools of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation wish a Happy Special Birthday to you, Mr. Ronald S. Lauder.   And here are some birthday wishes from the staff of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation:   Dear Mr. Ronald Lauder, On this special day, I wish you all the very


Jewish Kids in Poland Connect with Jewish Family Life of the Past

In a special project in Poland, children from the Lauder-Morasha Kindergarten, the Lauder-e-Learning School, the Jewish Community Center of Warsaw and Kindergartens Number 11 and U Smoka co Buja w Obłokach, participated in a hands-on creative connecting Jewish family life of the past with the present. The project , entitled “Ohaley Ya’akov,” spanned three months, in which children built detailed models of five


Celebrating 15 Years of Lauder Ort Jewish Elementary & High School in Sofia, Bulgaria

The Lauder Ort Jewish Elementary & High School, in Sofia, Bulgaria, celebrated its 15th Anniversary with a  special visit from Mr. Ronald S. Lauder. The school marked the unique occasion with song and dance, a School TV interview with the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation’s President, and the opening of the School of Excellence in Education Centre.


ECL Language Center Established in Lauder Javne School, Budapest

The Lauder Javne School principal Gábor Horányi, along with the leaders of the Foreign Language Center of the University of Pécs and of ECL Hungary, announced that the Lauder Javne School of Budapest will begin offering ECL-certified language exams in Hebrew, Spanish and French in Spring 2014. The ECL Consortium (European Consortium for the Certificate of


Hungarian Lauder School Students Bring Home Medals from the 19th Maccabiah Games

In the summer of 2013, eleven of the Lauder Javne Jewish Community School’s High School students participated in the quadrennial Maccabiah Games held in Israel.


Moscow’s Etz Chaim

Moscow’s Etz Chaim school network is a tremendous success for Russian Jewry. Watch the video!


Every donation counts.

When you support the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, you are supporting many generations to come. Please take a step to re-vitalize World Jewry. Please make your tax-deductible donation today.

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